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Client Love!

“I came to Nancy Seeger because I found myself overwhelmed, exhausted without a minute to spare.  I had successfully created a 6-figure business but was doing everything myself. I could see so many more opportunities to continue to grow this biz but there was literally no-way for that to happen with everything on my plate. I needed the help of someone that not only knew my business like I did, but was as committed as I was to see it grow.”

Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC

Certified ADHD Coach and Nurse Practitioner

Nancy has a keen and incisive mind that rapidly sorts, compartmentalizes and prioritizes.  She has an ability to take in the 30,000 foot view while hitting the ground running.  Nancy not only “gets” it…she gets it done, and she does it well.”

Lori Ryerson
YPO-WPO Western Ontario


Members have frequently expressed how Nancy’s passion for excellence has been a true asset, leading their Chapter to winning numerous awards, various international recognition and raising member satisfaction.”

Michelle Torre
YPO-WPO Manager, Canada

“Nancy is an avid and continuous learner and this, in part, propels her to try on new approaches to some of the most challenging business obstacles. Her quest for new knowledge truly puts her in an elite category of leader in which she has the capacity to grow and improve every day; which, in my estimation is the single best quality an individual can possess. Nancy is a ‘doer’ that sets high expectations for herself and always delivers. In addition to all of the above, I’ve told her personally before and am thrilled to tell the world, that she is simply the best solutions person I’ve ever met. She has the capacity to digest negotiation issues in the moment and find mutually beneficial solutions that always result in a great options.”

Todd Bish, President & CEO
Solutions Workplace Furnishings Inc.

I have been involved with many organizations and Nancy is the strongest director I have ever worked with. She has an amazing attention to detail, a beautiful personality and she cares about the work she does. I love working with her and highly recommend her.”

Glori Meldrum, YPO Alberta Member
Founder and Chair at Little Warriors
CEO, Traffic Interactive

“I have spent the last few years developing a database with Nancy and have found her to be an exceptional business and systems analyst and a consummate professional. She is well organized and communicates her requirements in a seamless and easy to understand format and is extremely knowledgeable with the business content. She is a dedicated and passionate about her work.”
Sabrina Redl
Contract Database Programmer

Nancy has an amazing min! One of the most brilliant individuals I have ever worked with.  A systems expert.  Nancy has taken Women Talk Events Inc. to a whole new level.  She is showing me ways of doing business that will take us to a place I could never have reached on my own.  Brigitte Lessard-Deyell.

Nancy opened my eyes to the steps necessary to first uncover my image before I could create a brand, before I can make a plan, before I can make my email-list, before I can generate leads.  She gave me the clarity and tools I needed to start from the inside out and it feels MUCH more reachable.  Colleen Kelba.

Nancy is both professional and very knowledgeable about all aspects of my business. She is a huge asset to my business.  Lana Waller Waller Real Estate


Thank you for your time today I have learned so much from you in under 60 minutes.  WOW! 

Ryan McMullan - Beast Leadership