eWomenNetwork conference in Dallas was full of great tips:
1) “Don’t take notes; record only actions.” ~ Sandra Yancey 
Too often we go to events and we try to record the moments rather than live the moments. We only need the action items to improve our processes or ideas.
2) “Western women can save the world.” ~ Dalai Lama
This Dali Lama quote is exemplified within eWomen. In Dallas I saw examples in the:
- Wisdom circles brainstorming possibilities for their competitors.
- Women making introductions between near strangers so they could help each other.
- And an endless amount of support without question. There is a lot of power in those actions.
3) “You are your own limitation – just breath.” ~ Nancy Seeger 
This is important when we are expanding and reaching new limits or defeating old beliefs – just breathe.
4) “I don’t have to sell you but it is my responsibility to give you access to my gifts.” ~ Lisa Nichols 
Responsibility is the key – we can’t share our gifts with the world by playing small. We are responsible for the choices we make to buy – to engage – to use that which we have purchased, and to say NO. No is a complete sentence.
5) “Your convenience and conviction don’t live in the same zip code.” ~ Lisa Nichols 
There will be obstacles that will test your conviction and its growth will be hard. Just deal with it.
6) “Replace the word want with the word desire. The word want means “a lack or deficiency of something”. The word desire means “strongly wish for or want (something).”
I would change this even more to replace “want” with one of these:
- Decide which means, to come to a resolution in the min
d as a result of consideration or
- Determination which means, firmness of purpose; resoluteness.
- Resolve which means, decide firmly on a course of action
The lesson is not the specific chosen word, it is the choice. Choose the word that applies to you moving forward, that comes from commitment, and that is not coming from a sense of lack. Instead of I want to grow my business; try I have decided to grow my business. The power is in the action.
7) “If you procrastinate on something more than 2 months, and it is important enough to stay on your to do list then hire someone to do it for you.” ~ Erin Saxton 
We have all looked at the project that just won’t go away no matter how much we avoid starting it? Right? I am not alone here am I? For me it was bookkeeping. I hated it. I procrastinated and worried about it. Then I hired someone else to do it and I could focus on things to grow my business.
8) “Content elevation is a way of speaking that paints a visual picture of your stories. Content elevation is a way of providing more value to your audience.” ~ Lisa Nichols 
9) “Defining your happiness eliminates the doubts around you.” ~ Connie Podesta 
We work through a lot of things to grow our businesses. What keeps you motivated? Connie explained how defining what makes you happy; will also define the how, what, where and why of your businesses. And having clarity on these points will end any doubts.
10) “Guilt is selfish and helps no one – get over yourself.” ~ Connie Podesta 
So true – we all make mistakes, we all stumble, and we all will do better next time. Learn from it and move on.
11) “Clarity needs to be refreshed often.” ~ Erin Saxton 
We build a websites or business plans and then move on. But our businesses change, interpretations change, perspectives change. We need to refresh everything – our materials, our sites, and most of all our perspectives. The world changes quickly and we are growing or dying, nature does not stand still.
12) “Creation is the new currency.” ~ Erin Saxton 
What you create will change the world.
13) “We are addicted to failure.” ~ Erin Saxton 
Research shows that when we get a “near win” we often congratulate ourselves and then get stuck at “almost there.” We need to ensure that we are pushing for real wins with real results.
14) “Learning without action limits retention. TAKE action.” ~ Nancy Seeger 
15) “Focus on the one thing that will make the most money the fastest every day before any other activity.” ~ Nancy Seeger 
So true. But be real about it. Is it writing that blog post to build your brand or making sales calls? Look for the fastest path to cash every day.
16) “Blocking your availability is about setting boundaries.” Nancy Seeger 
Good boundaries ensure you have time to create, innovate and grow personally. Research shows the value of focus and focus requires time allotments. Boundaries also help define expectations for yourself and your clients.
17) “Marketing is foreplay, sales seals the deal.” ~ Laura Gisborne 
Wow makes you want to do sales right?
18) “I am not beautiful like I once was, but I am beautiful as I am.” ~ Sekou Andrews 
19) “Take your power back with gratitude not attitude.” ~ Sean Smith
We all have times when we have given away some of our power. But taking it back with gratitude means saying thank you for the lesson and moving on. No guilt, No anger, No resentment, just a little life lesson.
20) “Honesty 360 degrees is the first requirement of business and life.” ~ Ken Kragen 
So true.
21) “Watch your talk/to do list ratio.” ~ Mathew Knowles 
It is important to make sure you are doing more than talking and this ratio is the key.